you for visiting Justin Alfred's Word in
Life Ministries. It is an honor that you
would choose to use this web site as a
source for biblical, historical and contemporary information.

want to first of all thank you for visiting Word
in Life Ministries. My name is Justin Alfred, and
I am honored that you would choose to use this web
site as a source for biblical, historical and contemporary
information. I hope that it will be a blessing and
a real source for the help and direction you are
looking for.
This Web page is intended to offer assistance to
those of you who have questions in the above areas.
I don't begin to believe that all of your questions
will be answered on this site. However, I do hope
that in some way, what is here will point you in
the right direction at least, and that you will be
challenged to think and to know what you believe
and why!
May the Lord continue to bless you in every way,
and thanks again for visiting Word in Life Ministries.
If there is a question that you have about some topic
that is not answered on this site, please feel free
to e-mail me, and I will do my best to answer you,
or I will tell you where to go that you might find
your answer.
In His Service,
Justin Alfred